Monday, August 22, 2011

Term 1

In term 1, we started off the science lesson by learning about the qualities of a good scientist, followed by how experiments are carried out, the science laboratory itself and the equipment in it, the Bunsen Burner, Observation and Recording, Measurements, Physical Quantities and Mass, Weight and Density.

While sharing on the qualities of a good scientist, Darwin was used as an example. After studying on the qualities he possessed and the things which he had done to pursue his interest, we found that being a scientist was not as easy as it seems. We thought that having a good brain was sufficient, but it takes more than just that. Perseverance and continuous hard work is also the key to a successful scientist.

Charles Darwin

Next, we understood the variables when plotting graph and recording discoveries. We learnt more about independent variables, dependent variables and constant variables. Soon after that, we learnt about how we can plot graphs using these variables. We had difficulty in drawing an acceptable graph as we must draw a smooth, continuous line. But after some practice, we managed to plot a graph deemed acceptable by Ms Nada. Ms Nada also shared tips and her own experience with us on drawing a good graph. All these information were quite helpful as she understood the mistakes made by many students and the difficulties which we faced.

Next, we proceeded to learning the equipment used in laboratory. Most of the equipment seemed familiar to us as we had seen them in Primary school. But when we were asked to name them, many of us did not have a clue. Learning and remembering the names was not the only thing we had to do. Drawing of the equipment used was also taught. As usual, we cannot leave any gaps or breaks in lines and had to get the proportions right. But after lots of nagging from Ms Nada, we managed to get it right.

Learning how to use the Bunsen burner was next. It may seem easy at first but we really have to follow many safety procedures. Honestly, learning all the parts of the Bunsen burner was not that hard as we can see it physically and is easier to learn. We also learnt the proper and safe way of heating something over a Bunsen burner.

Picture of Darwin from:

Picture of Laboratory Equipments from:

Picture of Bunsen Burner from:

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